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Know The Truth


Know The Truth

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A new round of Twitter Files shows how the pharmaceutical company was given the opportunity to censor discussion about the vaccines on Twitter. These were not anti-vaccine discussions. They were discussions about big pharma’s vaccine profits. More specifically, lobby groups for biopharma, pushed Twitter to remove or censor content around sharing vaccine technology that would prevent those companies from profiting exclusively from the Covid vaccine. So was it ever about people or was it always about profits? These documents point to profit!

See it on Redacted channel on Rumble

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Technology North Digital Services (TNDS), an Edmonton tech company has become a local and national success story that has digitized documents more than a million documents for a variety of customers. Beyond that they also employ people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and with work that helps them achieve long-term career goals.

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We are called to, not only love The TRUTH, but abide in, be obedient to, grow in, as well as speak (boldly declare) The TRUTH, ultimately setting men free from the darkness (lies and deceit). We are kept from the strong delusion, in that we are established (LIVE) in, remain (ABIDE) in, AND (most importantly) LOVE The (present) TRUTH! Ultimately the TRUTH is not a "what" but a "WHO" (Jesus Christ IS The TRUTH).

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  • There is a City Council Public Hearing this morning beginning at 9:30 am to deal with a revamp of the City’s zoning regulations. It looks to be a big one, so there will be additional sessions on October 17th and 18th, and a contingency date set for December 18th if necessary. For those interested, the new bylaw and its associated rationale span over 700 pages, making for substantial reading material. The City says the primary objective is to replace the current complex zoning regulations with a more “modern and adaptable” framework. Currently, there are 46 distinct zoning categories, and the new bylaw aims to streamline them into 24 categories. The new bylaw would also permit the construction of housing up to three stories in height throughout the city, including duplexes, row houses, and small apartments. More information is also available on a City website dedicated to the bylaw renewal project, and you can explore the impact it might have on your area using this zoning map.
  • There will be a short meeting of the Agenda Review Committee on Tuesday at 8:30 am. At the meeting, the Committee will finalize the agendas for the upcoming meetings of the Community and Public Services Committee, the Urban Planning Committee, the Executive Committee, and the Utility Committee.
  • Edmonton Transit Service is looking to improve the design of bus shelters in order to curb vandalism. The latest numbers show that 1,600 glass panels in bus shelters were smashed in 2022, costing the City about $456,000. ETS is teaming up with the University of Alberta to find out what other designs for bus shelters may be workable. It’s not the first time the City has had to splash out cash for smashed bus shelter glass - in 2019 the City spent $201,574 to replace 592 bus shelter panels, and in 2017, they spent $156,000.