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By Lloyd Ellefson

In John 16:23 Jesus said, "In that day you will ask Me no question...but if you shall ask the Father anything, He will give it to you in My name." Asking in the name of Jesus does not mean using the expression, "I ask all these things in the name of Jesus" at the end of every prayer. Many take the name of the man Jesus (because it is all they have), and use it legalistically against demons, sickness, etc. That is not what it is all about. IN THE NAME means that we approach the Father in the nature of Christ. Now the Christ does it instead of us. It is the consciousness or knowledge of God that works in us, so that we can call God Father and ask Him in the name of Jesus.

The person we think we are and which we designate as the SELF or ME, does not have any authority of its own. When we come into the things of God, we realize that we cannot help ourselves, for we don't have any power nor morality in ourselves. These virtues are ours only in Christ. Since we are the body of Christ, we do not have a body of our own. A change has to take place in our thinking. A transition from the self to God has to be made. Instead of thinking that we have power and that life belongs to us, we now see that God is our life, Christ is our life, and that we are sons of God.

We have to approach God in Christ - in His consciousness, in His name, in His nature and in His realization. Only in Christ can we be progressively taken into the consciousness of God our Father, and into the understanding of spiritual things. This understanding will usher out all the former ideas of joy, being healthy and wise, and having honor among men. These are all things that humanity likes to attain in its own self. All these earthly attainments can never bring us into immortality, because they are built on false desires. The only way we will ever be comfortable is when all desire for the false things is gone, and we only have the presence of God to supply these things.

God dwells in light that no man can approach. Man can never approach Him because He lives in light that is unapproachable by natural man. Man first has to go through death - death to his own sense of being. That is the only way he can get to know God, come into the life and true realization of God.

"...whom no man has seen or can see." (1 Tim. 6:16) No natural man has ever seen who God is. After Christ has enlightened our understanding we will be able to discern from people's conversation, whether or not they are operating in the same delusion, conception, and obstruction to truth that Jesus experienced in Israel. The people liked Jesus for what He did, but not for what He believed. People didn't want to be like Him at that time.

The mission of the Son is to bring us out of our wrong sense of being and into the true realization of who we are in the eyes of God. Natural man cannot accomplish this. He first has to lay down his own ideas, i.e. who God is, God's intention for him, how to approach God, who man is, and what the world is. All our ideas are in the death realm, so they have to be separated from us - and that is what death is. Then we can be separated unto God - and that is life!

Let's review this. Man's war is in the mortal mind for it plies its trade of death. This is very evident in all the wars, hatred, and evil things man does. Man is bent on evil for the preservation of self and goods and the desire for power! The mortal mind is death. Everything man does comes from his mortal mind - even his attempt to be good - so it is all in the death realm. All the advantages of scientific and medical knowledge eventually result in death. The power of bombs and guns results in death. "If you live by the sword, you will die by the sword." (Matt. 26:52)

It's wonderful to know that we don't have to have any power of our own, any health of our own, nor any morality of our own, because Christ has been made all these things unto us! "Your life is hidden with Christ in God...Christ is our life...Christ is all and in all." (Col. 3:3,4,11) Our natural mind does not want to receive this truth. This is evident when our minds begin to wander as we meditate upon these things. We believe what our natural minds tell us. The sin is in accepting the deception of the natural mind as truth. The consequences of greed, evil, hatred and disease are accepted as truth or some form of truth. We need to see that these consequences are the result of living in a delusion. Instead of dealing with the various effects of evil, we need to see that man's basic need is to come into truth!

There is no power outside of God's power! We need to see that our own assessment of our identity is not the reality; it is not valid. Therefore we have to realize that we are new creations, created in Christ Jesus! As we accept and live in our new identity in Christ, we are separated from our old understanding. This is the mission of the Son, expressed in the man Jesus, the Christ. God bless!