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The Valley Line LRT has been plagued with problems since its inception. Cost overruns, setbacks and delays, the number of collisions at uncontrolled crossings have been major bugaboos and now two new problems have drawn attention.

The sliding doors on station shelters have had to be removed because of damage caused by vandals and social disorder. This means that the shelters will not be able to provide the same level of shelter from the elements that they could when the doors were in place.

People who live in the Strathearn area say the Valley Line LRT has created another problem for them. The trains run 18 hours a day and the complaints are many about the screech that is heard every time the train rounds the bend at the top of Connors Hill at 95th Avenue. Transit officials say the complaints have been heard and they are working to reduce rail noise including making certain squeaky wheels get the grease.

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