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On Tuesday, City Council passed the 15 district policy, in a 10-2 vote. The policy still needs to be approved by the Edmonton Metropolitan Region Board before council can vote on the third reading to finalize the bylaw. Mayor Sohi attempted to paint a happy face ? on the public hearings that were held in May, but the undercurrent of mistrust runs deep and may turn that smile into a frown ?.

The City attempted to counter the concerns about the 15-minute cities concept but may have confirmed them instead with their doublespeak acknowledging that the city’s district planning program is meant to put the 15-minute city, into practice. The 15-minute city concept is intended to make it easier for people to find amenities closer to where they live and to move around with the option of using different modes of transportation. Concerns about restricting movement were so prevalent Councillor Aaron Paquette suggested the district policy be amended to clarify that this is not the intention. The amendment was unanimously approved by Council to say “The district policy and district plans shall not restrict freedom of movement, association, and commerce in accordance with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.”