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focaLOCAL Helps

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After posting my last helps post regarding Online Research I thought about that post and and am posting a follow up. You may not care and/or worry about the fact that your every click online and some offline offline activity is being tracked and that is your prerogative. However, if you don't want your every click online and some offline activity is tracked you may want to read the following article by Robert Epstein a senior research psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology.


I haven’t received a targeted ad on my computer or mobile phone since 2014. If you care about your privacy or the privacy of your children — or even if you’re just sick of being bombarded by ads for diet pills seconds after you send an email to a friend complaining that your pants are too tight — here are seven simple steps you can take to make your online presence more private:

  1. Jettison Gmail. All Gmail emails, both incoming and outgoing — even the angry draft emails you decided not to send — are analyzed and stored permanently by Google LLC, with every snippet of information the company can extract from your emails added to the massive profile it has compiled about you — and to the profiles of every person you mention in your emails. I recommend using instead of Gmail. It’s based in Switzerland and subject to strict Swiss privacy laws. It takes only a few seconds to sign up, because the company doesn’t ask anything about you (imagine that!). The basic service is free, and the paid version is cheap. ProtonMail is easy to use, and it also uses end-to-end encryption for maximum privacy. Unfortunately, you might be using Gmail and not even know it. To save money, thousands of businesses, schools, and universities use Gmail under their own brands — even news services such as The Guardian, The New York Times, U.S. News & World Report, Salon, and The Hill. To find out whether you have been unknowingly corresponding with someone through Google servers, open that person’s email and then find and click on the “view full header” option in your email software. If you find “” anywhere in the expanded header, Google has been monitoring all of your communications with that sender. Even if you switch to ProtonMail, you will still have no privacy when corresponding with someone using Gmail or hidden Google servers. I tell people whose emails are shared with Google that if they want to communicate with me, they will need to use a a more secure email service, and they usually switch.
  2. Kill Chrome. Google developed the Chrome browser because the massive amount of information they were collecting about you from their search engine (see below) and your emails wasn’t enough for them. With Chrome, they can see which web pages you visit — and what you do on those pages — even if you go to those pages directly rather than going through their search engine. If you value your privacy, never use Chrome, even in the bogus “incognito” mode, which still tracks you. Instead, use, which is what I use. Brave blocks all ads, is faster than Chrome, and was developed by the software engineer who built Firefox. And what about other browsers? As I reveal in “The New Censorship,” Google can still get information about you when you’re using Firefox, Safari, and most other browsers, because they all check Google’s “quarantine list” before they take you to a website. Go with Brave.
  3. Switch Search Engines. Google’s search engine is the best because it indexes far more web pages than anyone else. But Google (the search engine) is also the most aggressive spying tool ever invented — funded from the outset by the NSA and the CIA to identify people who are a threat to national security. Google records every search you conduct, and your Google profile contains a complete history of every search you ever conducted — even those sketchy ones! Worse still, my research has shown in recent years that Google’s search engine is also the most powerful mind control device ever devised; it shifts the opinions of millions of people around the world every day without them knowing it. Instead of using, use the new Brave search engine (, which you can make your default search engine once you switch to the Brave browser (see #2 above). The Brave search engine doesn’t track you. It gives you great search results while also preserving your privacy.
  4. Axe Android. As I explain in “Google’s Gotcha,” even Chrome didn’t give Google enough information about you, so the company developed Android, an operating system for phones and other mobile devices — the equivalent of the Windows operating system that’s on most desktop computers. Chrome gives Google information about you only when you’re online, but because Android controls all your phone’s functions, it tracks you — the phone numbers you’re dialing, the music files you’re playing, the places you’re visiting—even when you’re offline. If you value your privacy, donate your Android phone to a charity (such as, and buy a phone from a company that doesn’t use Google’s deceptive business model. Phones from Apple and other companies protect your privacy, whereas Google phones or phones that use Google’s version of Android do not. You can also now buy a “degoogled” Android phone, which disables Google’s tracking (e.g., see Companies like Apple and Microsoft make most of their money by selling products, whereas surveillance companies like Google and Facebook make nearly all of their money by suckering you with “free” services they use to track you and your children and then charging businesses a fee to send you and your family members targeted ads. If that doesn’t creep you out, maybe it should. Remember when your parent or grandparent told you there was “no such thing as a free lunch”? On the internet, that’s especially true. When a service seems to be “free,” you are actually paying for it with your freedom (please see my essay on this topic, entitled “Free Isn’t Freedom”).
  5. Heave Home. If Google has bamboozled you into installing its “Home” surveillance device all over your apartment or house — and, yes, the company is urging people to install one in every room — send those cute little cylinders straight to hell. The Home device records everything you and your children say, and even when you think it’s inactive, it is still sending a signal back to headquarters. Google has recently been issued patents on techniques that allow it to interpret all kinds of sounds its devices are detecting — including your bedroom behavior and your kids’ tooth brushing. Unfortunately, Home is not the only device Google is using to listen in; your Android phone never stops listening, and it was revealed recently that Nest, Google’s home thermostat, comes equipped with a hidden microphone. And, yes, in case you were wondering, Amazon’s Alexa device also records everything it hears. When my eldest son got the facts about Amazon’s surveillance device, he tossed it straight into the garbage, and you should too.
  6. Clear Cache and Cookies. Companies and hackers of all sorts are constantly installing invasive computer code on your computers and mobile devices, mainly to keep an eye on you but sometimes for more nefarious purposes. On a mobile device, you can clear out most of this garbage by going to the settings menu of your browser, selecting the “privacy and security” option and then clicking on the icon that clears your cache and cookies. With most laptop and desktop browsers, holding down three keys simultaneously — CTRL, SHIFT and DEL — takes you directly to the relevant menu; I use this technique multiple times a day without even thinking about it. You can also configure the Brave browser to erase your cache and cookies automatically every time you close the browser.
  7. Pick a Proxy or VPN. For even more privacy, sign up for either a proxy or a VPN (Virtual Private Network) — a service that creates a buffer between you and the internet, fooling many of the surveillance companies into thinking you’re not really you. VPNs provide more protection than proxies. My favorite VPN at the moment is For under $40 a year (with discounts), you can install the Nord app on up to five devices. It’s lightning fast, and you don’t need to be a computer geek to install or use it. And keep an eye out for the next level of privacy protection, called a “DPN.” It’s on the market now, but it will probably take another year or two before it’s running smoothly.

Before or after taking one or more of these steps, you can check to see how secure your computer or mobile device is by running tests at websites such as or

In Dave Egger’s 2013 book, The Circle — released in 2017 as a movie starring Emma Watson and Tom Hanks — the only way one of the main characters could find to go off-grid was to kill himself by driving his vehicle off a bridge. If you follow the seven guidelines I’ve outlined above, you won’t need to resort to such extremes to regain some privacy in your life — at least for the time being.

Article updated February 7, 2022.

This article is largely about the Google family but the same concern has and is being expressed about other Big Tech companies (Meta/Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, etc.) who have also have an interest in your every move, online and off.

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    • Related to privacy: Hackers are intercepting e-transfers and redirecting them to their own bank accounts. Canadian banks guarantee that people aren't liable for unauthorized account access, fraud, and theft. Despite this, Canadian banks are refusing to reimburse people when their accounts are hacked and their money stolen.

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      Your thoughts, ideas, comments, concerns, opinions, questions, etc. are desired, important and valuable so we encourage you to post them freely on WOWagora. Depending on what your subject matter of your post is and how important you think it is you may want to augment and enhance it by doing additional research.If you have a subject in mind that you'd like to do more research on or would just like to learn how to do more in depth research in general there are people and sites who will help you. One of those people is James Corbett, a Canadian expat who lives in Japan. James is the personality behind the CORBETT REPORT, a highly regarded podcaster and self described researcher. James just released a video entitled HOW TO RESEARCH ONLINE in which he mentions some research tools and strategies most people aren't aware of. HOW TO RESEARCH ONLINE is an introductory lesson on research and if you want to research what others have to say about the subject for I suggest do a search for "online research help" on where you'll find much information. 


      Added a post   to  , focaLOCAL Helps
        • This is a gut wrenching, mental replay, verbal confessional and description of the open heart surgery that Jordan Peterson seems to be experiencing.

          In watching it I was reminded of the Francis Thompson's poem THE HOUND OF HEAVEN. This poem was probably written in the late 18oo's, early 1900's so its language and style are far removed from today. 

          I found a modern adaptation of THE HOUND OF HEAVEN and suggest after watching Jordan Peterson's video you consider watching

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          Brian Pickford delivers speech at Victoria Legislature this weekend

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          In the early 70's I ran a coffee house which was open to and welcoming of people of all ages and backgrounds. One of the almost daily visitors was a 7 year old boy who would come in for hot chocolate and ask questions. I can remember the exchange we had one day like it was yesterday. One question led to another and another and I was getting a bit annoyed so I asked a question, "Michael, why do you ask so many questions"?Now, almost 50 years later Michael's answer echoes clear as a bell, "if I don't ask questions, how will I know?"


          I KEEP SIX HONEST SERVING MENRudyard KiplingI keep six honest serving-men(They taught me all I knew);Their names are What and Why and WhenAnd How and Where and Who.I send them over land and sea,I send them east and west;But after they have worked for me,I give them all a rest.I let them rest from nine till five,For I am busy then,As well as breakfast, lunch, and tea,For they are hungry men.But different folk have different views;I know a person small—She keeps ten million serving-men,Who get no rest at all!She sends'em abroad on her own affairs,From the second she opens her eyes—One million Hows, two million Wheres,And seven million Whys!


          Most people as they grow older don't invest enough time in asking questions and it is to their loss. Asking question is easy and the ROI (return on investment) is one of the best ever. Asking questions has so many positive benefits on WOWagora and/or in person. You can add a question to any post, either in the form of a poll or directly. Following are some benefits of asking questions...

          1. Asking questions is an easy and important way of engaging with people.
          2. Asking questions makes you more personable and likeable.
          3. Asking questions the right questions showing genuine care and interest.
          4. Asking questions strengthens the learning process.
          5. Asking questions helps discover needs, uncover problem and issues of concern.
          6. Asking questions helps find solutions and fuels innovation
          7. Asking questions encourages critical thinking
          8. Asking questions makes one wiser.
          9. So,let’s start our quest/ioning, now!




          Added a post   to  , focaLOCAL Helps

          The "internet or web" as we know it is relatively young but has    grown immensely both in popularity and technically since the 1990s.    Although its only been about 30 years since the general public    became aware and began surfing the "internet or web" it has gone    through three distinct phases which I'll attempt to briefly explain.Phase 1 is referred to as Web 1.0 and during this phase the "internet or web" became known as the "information highway" because of the wealth of information that became available at the click of a mouse. Web 1.0 was one way, where some provided content for others to consume.In phase Web 2.0 interaction was added to information.With the introduction and rise of email, social networking, cell phones, instant messaging, reviews, comments, etc. Web 2.0 out grew Web one way and the "internet or web" became a multi lane, multi device and multi directional communications thoroughfare.We are in the early days of phase Web 3.0 which plans to add artificial intelligence (AI) to information and interaction enabling people to immerse themselves in a virtual metaverse for work and play.In its brief history the "internet or web" phases have moved us from one way information consumers to multi level interactors and communicators to metaverse personna and explorers. Its been quite a journey that has affected everyone everywhere in some way, and not all for the better.A number of studies have been done, reports and books written about the downsides of the "internet or web". One downside that has garnered much attention is that with the increase of virtual interaction among people on the "internet or web" there has been a corresponding loss of face-to-face personal interactions amongst people. Its sad but true that more time people spend in virtual interactions online the less time they have for meeting people face to face.Amongst the most telling and saddest comments that confirms the loss of personal interactions is "I don't know or hardly know my neighbours".Members of WOWagora are encouraged to use the tools and/or resources to introduce themselves to, meet and get engaged with others in their neighbourhoods and communities who share common interests, causes and concerns. Equally as good would be if members of WOWagora would use the tools and/or resources to introduce themselves to, meet and get engaged with others who have differing or opposing opinions and thoughts regarding the interests, causes and concerns their neighbourhoods and communities. Much can be accomplished and overcome when people who genuinely desire to address a concern, issue or problem meet face to face even if they initially disagree with one another.Initiating and bringing change to, bettering a neighbourhood and community takes concerned and motivated people who commit themselves to hands on, feet on the ground involvement as change agents. Meaningful and lasting change, betterment and improvement in a neighbourhood and /or community most always begins at the grassroots level and spreads from there.Active, strong and vibrant neighbourhoods and communities don't just happen. They come about as people get to know one and relate to one another, when they work, play, celebrate and share the highs and lows of life together.

          A fitting end to this post is James Taylor's song GETTING TO KNOW YOU from musical and movie THE KING & I. 

          P.S..We look forward to getting to know YOU!


            • Good morning Edmonton it is going to be a great day Enjoy it 

              • It's too cold ???

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              Videos have become a mainstay of peoples' internet experience and there are millions of of videos available online on most any subject imaginable. Videos are effective, powerful and versatile and are used to entertain, demonstrate, inform, instruct, interviews, guide, comment, review, recruit and more.

              On January 11, 2022 I posted an article by Jordan Peterson entitled Open the damn country back up, before Canadians wreck something we can’t fix. I posted the Jordan Peterson article/transcript because I thought he articulated what many people are thinking. What I didn't know until yesterday was that the article was the transcript of the video message below that Jordan Peterson recorded and posted online.

              I mention this because the comparison between the textual article/transcript and the video illustrate just how effective and powerful video is. The article/transcript contains the same content as was shared on the video below but the textual version lacks the personality, emotion, emphasis, force, oomph that is evident in Jordan Peterson's video.

              After watching the video I'm even more convinced that Jordan Peterson voiced what countless Canadians Are silently thinking.

              Watching Jordan Peterson's video reminded me of another powerful video snippet from the 1976 movie NETWORK.

              There are number of excellent sites where you can get a video link to post a video on WOWagora. Post the video, add some comments or a poll pertaining to the video and you've enhanced the content.

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              THe Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a “meme” as “an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture” or “an amusing or interesting item (such as a captioned picture or video) or genre of items that is spread widely online especially through social media.” 

              Memes are both effective and powerful little communicators that can be seed planters, thought promoters, provokers or disturbers, visual protests or supporters, inspirational or motivational, humorous, etc. They can serve to introduce, augment, supplement, support something else you are posting.

              If you search for a search for memes you'll find a number of sites that have a collection of memes. You can be more specific in the type of memes by adding a descriptor in front of memes (ie. humorous, political, etc) 

              If you can't find a meme to express your idea, thought, emotion, cause, concern, etc. then create your own. Creating a meme is not difficult and if you search for "meme generator" you'll find a number of sites where you can create memes for free.  

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              One of the ways to generate interest, prompt discussion, stimulate debate on any issue, subject or topic is bring a different perspective or take contrarian position regarding the issue, subject or topic.Five times in the Sermon on the Mount Jesus began by saying "You have heard that it was said" and then continued by saying "But I say to you." What Jesus shared did generate interest, prompt discussion and stimulate debate but it also did two other things. What Jesus shared brought about some lifelong enemies BUT it also created some lifelong followers and friends.Be mindful of who your audience is, how entrenched in their perspective/position they may be and how what you espouse may be perceived and/or received by them. Remember that “you get more flies with honey than with vinegar” which means you can influence more people by gentle persuasion, being kind, polite and respectful than by being overly aggressive, bitter, mean rude or unpleasant.Keep in mind that WOWagora's mission is to be a meeting place where people with different perspectives and positions can interact with each other, hopefully come together and ultimately work together for the betterment of all in the community., , ,

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              One of the ways to add interesting and relevant content is to repurpose something (article, post, photo, meme, joke, recipe, etc.) that caught your attention and/or is of interest to you and may be to others as well. You can repurpose something  (article, post, photo, meme, joke, recipe, etc.) by adding your comments, asking questions, creating a poll, suggesting something, etc. In doing that you springboard off the article, post, photo, meme, joke, recipe, etc., and repurpose it with what ever you add, which I've attempted to do with the header photo and title of this post.

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              focaLOCAL was created to be an online community meeting place and as such bring together a composite of people from different parts (districts) of the city, different ages, ethnic and cultural backgrounds, socioeconomic and educational status, likes and dislikes, political persuasions, religions and ideologies, etc. It is this composite of people that make up our community and anything we do to help, serve, encourage, benefit and bless others adds to the overall betterment of our community.

              We encourage focaLOCAL members to anythings and the results will be manythings!