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Added a post   to  , Wildfires

Now that the flames have been brought under control and the smoke is clearing, the extent of damage in Jasper is becoming visible. Preliminary estimates are that 30% - 50% of the buildings in Jasper lie in ashes and charred ruins but the full extent won't be known for weeks, possible months.

Premier Smith held an emotional press conference, fighting back tears and pausing often as she considered the damage and loss not only for the residents, but for all who have memories of visiting Jasper, including many Edmontonians

Some of the CBC's great coverage can be accessed below.

Added a post   to  , Wildfires

Although not a Millwoods/Meadows or Edmonton story, it is a story that is close to home.

Wildfires have caused residents of Jasper to evacuate, many to Edmonton. Although details of damage to the town site are sketchy the danger was/is imminent and not leaving was/is to literally play with fire. Read the SUN story below to get a fuller report.

Although Edmonton is not surrounded by forests like Jasper the lack of rain has made everything tinder dry so extreme caution regarding fire must be exercised here as well. Homes in Edmonton and mostly constructed with flammable materials through which a fire can spread quickly, as well as house to house, especially if there was a strong wind.