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Lorne Gunters latest column is bound to raise the eyebrows and hackles of many, while at the same time many Edmontonians who agree that homelessness is a big problem. An even bigger problem that communities across North America and beyond are grappling with what should be done about homelessness and who is responsible to do it. Failing to address root causes perpetuates problems so even if Lorne Gunter's comments frustrate some they also serve to focus our attention on root causes, not just the symptoms.

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Almost in lockstep with the approach of winter is the rallying cry about the plight of the homeless. A number of agencies and advocacy groups are calling for more action from all levels of government and for a stop to to the removal of encampments. Homeward Trust recently reported a 47 per cent increase in people experiencing homelessness in Edmonton.

The increase in numbers of homeless and the renewed calls for more help come beg the following soul searching questions. Why hasn't the hundreds of millions of dollars already spent and the countless efforts of many the past few years worked to eradicate or even lessen the problem of? Is it because no one knows and/or cares to tackle the root of the problem?

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According to data from the city's main housing agent, Homeward Trust, homelessness has risen by 47% this year. Homeward Trust CEO Susan McGee said the data is not definitive, Jason Nixon, minister of seniors, community and social services believes the numbers are skewed while Nadine Chalifoux, chair of the Edmonton Coalition on Housing and Homelessness (ECHH), believes the numbers may be higher.

The numbers of homeless may be questionable but what isn't is homelessness remains a major issue In spite of millions of dollars spent on various efforts and fronts to address the problem. It may be time for all involved in the various efforts and fronts to seriously consider Albert Einstein's oft quoted saying "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" and whether it may be time to consider a new approach to the issue of homelessness

    • The religious community needs to be more personally involved.

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      Lorne Gunter is a seasoned columnist who also looks at Mayor Sohi's trip to Paris where homelessness is front and centre. Gunter raises two very important questions; what successes does Sohi have to share and Sohi's successes an example of others' successes he'll learn from. My concern is this trip is going to cost Edmontonions much, much more than the $8,454 budgeted for the trip.

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      The Edmonton Coalition on Housing and Homelessness (ECOHH) reports that the tally of 421 homeless deaths more than doubles the total of 2022. The ECOHH numbers don't jive with data from the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) who reported 302 recorded deaths in 2023, up from the 200 deaths.OCME's mandate is very specific and Jim Gurnett with ECOHH says numbers provided by OCME don’t include the number of people who died directly or indirectly as a result of homelessness.

      Its not surprising that there is a discrepancy between the numbers reported by ECOHH and those of OCME.Works more closely and is probably more in tune with what's happening on the street while OCME is probably more clinical and not so tuned into the street. Regardless of their differences the numbers of people dying is way too high.

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      There are approximately 3000 homeless people in Edmonton and now that 8 encampments have been dismantled and the weather has turned colder Mayor Sohi sounded his concern regarding homelessness In a press release earlier today. Mayor Sohi has scheduled a special meeting of city council on Monday to discuss the situation and if city council approves his emergency declaration next week, his first action will be to hold an emergency meeting with other levels of government.

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      In 2017 the City set goals to deal with homelessness. After 6 years and hundred of million$ those plans have fallen drastically short and there are more homeless now than ever. Cliches can sometimes be most accurate and helpful and its questionable whether falling the same plans will be throwing good money after bad?

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      I'm not meaning to belittle or demean the lives of anyone especially those who are being remembered by Homeless Memorial Plaza , far from it. When reading the article below I was reminded of the words of someone who works with homeless people. This person said that rather than saying he works with the homeless it would be more accurate to say he works with the hopeless. That bore witness with me and I thought it is a greater loss to be hopeless than it is to be homeless.
