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Santa Rosa police clear Yolanda Avenue homeless camp

Santa Rosa police Thursday morning cleared a homeless encampment on Yolanda Avenue, the latest in a series of city sweeps over the last three months.

Officers began clearing the roughly 35-person camp on the southern edge of the city at around 7:30 a.m., Santa Rosa police Sgt. Jonathan Wolf said. The police made no arrests but towed two cars and a trailer.Santa Rosa police Thursday morning cleared a homeless encampment on Yolanda Avenue, the latest in a series of city sweeps over the last three months.

Officers began clearing the roughly 35-person camp on the southern edge of the city at around 7:30 a.m., Santa Rosa police Sgt. Jonathan Wolf said. The police made no arrests but towed two cars and a trailer

Do you think this is a temporary or long term solution to the homeless situation in Santa Rosa?
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Comments (2)
    • Cleaning the homeless camp is easy, providing a long term solution to homelessness is much more difficult. I think the solution is going to come from the grassroots level, not from government bureaucrats.

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      • I am very interested in this issue!  We've faced this in our local area, and am wondering if there might be a way we can connect up with some of the people who have been affected by this and discuss long-term solutions.  

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