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The City is entertaining a proposal that could see the renaming of some city rec centres. Roger Jevne, branch manager of community recreation and culture, said administration has drafted a deal with a (unnamed) company to rename the Terwillegar Community Recreation Centre. The renaming rights could bring up to $150,00 offsetting operating expenses and the tax levy needed to support our popular sport and recreation facilities.The following rec centres are also under consideration for renaming: Clareview Community Recreation Centre, Meadows Community Recreation Centre and Lewis Farms Community Recreation Centre.

The reconsideration to rename these rec centres has many including Jo-Anne Wright, councillor for Ward Spomita who think renaming the rec centres will result in losing the city's identity or downplaying the city's identity on the facilities.

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Ward Karkiio's council member Keren Tang faithfully sends out a newsletter of interest to those who live in the Millwoods & Meadows ward. Stay in touch of happenings in our ward by reading her newsletter below.

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An Edmonton group, TapYeg is the first out of the gate to take advantage of Bill 20 to establish a party to run candidates in next year's city elections. TapYeg's president Jeffrey Hansen-Carlson and members believe the city can run more efficiently promises to cut taxes within 100 days of being elected, maintain peace and order, and reboot relations with the province under a centrist vision.

We encourage dialogue around these local issues. Please engage with our poll and make sure you add your comments below as to why you responded as you did to the poll question.

    • I am not knowledgeable enough as yet as to all the reasons why municipal politics is set up in this way, but I suspect having more opposition at a municipal level would bring greater accountability to our mayors and councils if parties are allowed to flourish. Please tell me more!

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      Margaret Thatcher famously said - "The trouble with socialism, is that eventually you run out of other peoples money to spend". Regardless of your political views, the point is well made and government officials at all levels pass budgets that prove it true. On Thursday City staff recommended a property tax rate hike to 7% for the 2024 budget. 

      I'm going to close with 2 other sayings. The first is that the city continues to spend taxpayers money like a drunken sailor and for many of those taxpayers the well is running dry. 


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      The last post was about the city considering a 7% property tax hike for the 2024 budget and in my comments included a number of sayings. I'm going to use another saying in my introduction to Lorne Gunter's thoughtful column.

      The trouble with common sense is that its in short supply and when found should be treasured. As he does so often in his columns, Lorne Gunter presents some common sense, this time on the issue of city spending.

      The city's annual budget should include retainer fees to the like of Lorne Gunter who would bring a common sense perspective to issues under deliberation.


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